Printing Photos: A Mental Health Benefit

Way back in August, I decided to update the gallery wall in the family room. I'd been printing photos for months, and it was time to put them in frames and update our look. I took down the old photos and then went to the beach. Then when we returned, I didn't rehang new photos. Life happened. I grew accustomed to seeing the blank wall, and didn't realize until two weeks ago the problem that this created.

My daughter and I were upstairs a couple of weeks ago when I caught her staring at a canvas of herself as a baby. I then realized that this canvas was one of the only photographs of her in the whole house. I had failed to update our printed photos after she was born. Other than a few snapshots here and there (all from 2019), there were no photos of my kids downstairs, and only a couple in the hallway upstairs.

The importance of printing photos and showing them to your kids is scientific and data-driven. David A. Krauss and Jerry L. Fryrear wrote a whole book on Phototherapy and mental health in 1983. This 1994 article from the Baltimore Sun summarizes it nicely:

If a picture really is worth more than a thousand words, imagine kids' well-being when they see their own images all around the house. Strategically placed family photos are an effective way to reinforce your child's self-image and self-confidence.

Visual reminders of school events, family trips and everyday activities are proof-positive that a child has a place in life and relationships with others.

This weekend, I decided to finally frame the photos I'd been printing over the last several months. As I put photos into frames, the kids toddled over, pointing and verbalizing in awed tones about seeing themselves in family photos. They beamed big bright smiles, holding the photos close and getting little nose smudges on my freshly-washed glass. My son grabbed a small one and carried it out to show his dad, gripping it close to his chest. It was a clear reminder that I need to get my act together and care for my kids' mental health.

Printing your photos is important for your kids, to see themselves in your family, to see how they've grown and that they're important. Consider this your annual kick in the pants to print your photos. Don't just download all your photos to your phone and then forget about them.

If you need help determining the best size for your space, or if you're not sure how to get started, shoot me a message. I'm happy to help you create a gallery and decide on the best way to go (no charge). Hit me up!


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