Your 2022 in Review

Year in Review posts are always fun to put together, but does anyone care to read them? They tend to be inwardly focused, an effort to review what the author has done over the past year. Accompishments, failures (does anyone talk about failures in a year in review post?), stats. Blah blah blah.

The one business year in review I always search out at the end of the year is Google’s. I love to see it because it reviews not what Google has accomplished, but what we as humans have done over the past year. And as frustrating as a year can feel in the rearview mirror, Google chooses the most uplifting and best parts of us to show.

black and white image of a baby's hand covered in icing, reaching for a cake with a 1 written on it, that has obviously been pawed at before.

So I’m taking a page out of their book, and I’m going to talk about you this year, from my perspective (which is all I have). Here’s what you’ve done:

You’ve gotten steps closer to growing the family you want. You’ve submitted the adoption application, or the forms for fostering. You’ve gotten pregnant, had a baby, celebrated milestones. You’ve baptized children, sung happy birthday, whispered goodbye.

You’ve submitted the resignation letter, been promoted to that new job full of responsibilities, hired and fired people and gotten more comfortable in your career calling.

You’ve mourned losses.

You’ve celebrated new beginnings.

You’ve shared secrets and surprises with me.

Welcomed little sisters and brothers.

An extended family gathers together for a photo, with the grandparents in the center.

Finally said hello, in person, to extended family members from across the sea.

Said goodbye to the notions you had about the kind of parent you thought you’d be.

Celebrated giant and tiny milestones.

Began the hard march toward sending your oldest, or youngest, toward graduation. Away from you. Toward who they are meant to be.

Felt your heart break when your child was hurt, disappointed, or felt crushing loss.

Felt helpless while they were sick.

Realized you actually didn’t (don’t) know what you’re doing. You struggled to give, and finally accepted, grace for that.

But you’ve made it to here. January 1 is not a clean slate, but an opportunity to build on what you know, on what you have, to recommit and be grateful and to take a breath at the top of one mountain before heading to the next.

Thank you for trusting me to document all of these moments for you this year. For choosing me to help you celebrate the big and small wins, and trusting me with your struggles. I’m so honored to know you and be even a small part of your life.

As your 2023 begins, a blessing:

May your sleep be plentiful, your potty training easy.

May your time be honored by punctual appointments.

May your household be healthy;

Your home warm in winter and cool in summer.

May your appliances function properly even without

the “suggested maintenance” you will forget to have done.

May your vacations be fun and travels exciting (the fun kind).

May you find the joy in the details of your day,

and add to the beauty of your life each day with laughter.

May you remember to photograph and be photographed,

and view each saggy part of you as a trophy from a well-lived life.



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