Let’s Make a Book

It’s January! Time to plan for all the things! Set all the big goals! Declare all the projects to be ours! And then we look at what we have to actually do to accomplish the big goals and projects and decide, eh, maybe it’s not so important to get those done. There are daily things to care for instead, after all.

Setting goals is not a bad thing. The problem is that the goal feels very far away and complicated, and you may not know all the steps to get to the goal. And if a goal makes your brain have to think too hard, the goal will not be done. The path to least resistance leads to the couch, right?

But we’re not talking about goals that make you get off the couch. We’re talking about a Yearbook Project. This project is meant to get a full year’s worth of photos off your phone and/or computer and into a book that you and your family can enjoy for years to come.

I am offering two ways to accomplish this goal:

Option one is fully hands-on, with me leading you through a six-week quest via your inbox, complete with emailed instructions, tips, and my favorite thing - accountability - while we each put our own yearbooks together. I’ll greet you with emails each Friday morning that will lead you through each individual step, and break the steps down with easy tasks between January 6 and February 17.

Click here to sign up for this free Yearbook Project:

Option two is called Wrapped: the nearly-completely-hands-off, done-for-you method of book creation, in which I promise to have a book in your hands within 6 weeks with far less work on your part.

The Wrapped Project gives you a book with approximately 200 images from 2022, curated by a professional (me), printed by a professional book company (not Shutterfly - no shade). It also gives you all of the time you would have spent on a six-week project to get the same finished product. It offers you a finished product when you know that otherwise you would not finish such a project.

The Wrapped Project requires a few things from you: a completed questionnaire so I can help you tell the story of your year, and access to your personal photos all in one place online where I will be able to sort and choose them for your book. Unlike most of my other offerings, you do not need to be local to RVA to take advantage of the Wrapped Project.

Click here to read the details and sign up for the Wrapped Project. Because I’m promising quick turnaround on books, I’m only offering a few spots in January so I can realistically meet each client’s needs:

Regardless of the method you choose: the Yearbook Project, the Wrapped Project, or your own DIY project - I hope you’ll get your photos printed and into places where your family can enjoy them. Don’t wait - we both know it won’t get done if you wait.


Death by a Thousand Paper Cuts


Your 2022 in Review